Call Us: +91 9876543210
We Build Best, What you Think

We Are Dedicated To Wind.


Design, Manufacture and Supply efficient and effective Rotor Blades, Nacelle Cover, Nose Cone and Accesories for Wind Turbine Generators from Concept to Commissioning.

Upgrade of Rotor Blades, Nacelle Cover, Nose cone and Accessories for Wind Turbine Generators manufactured by the Company with the latest technological advancements.

Complying with applicable regulatory requirements.


Instead of waiting for stricter regulation, we’ve established our own to surpass them.

Many countries are actively working towards tighter health, safety and non discrimination regulations. In response, we’re not waiting, but taking action. To safeguard our people, we’re looking ahead, setting tomorrow’s safety and workplace standards today.

THINK TWICE : Take a moment upfront to ensure that your behavior and actions are safe.

TAKE CARE : Always take care of yourself, your colleagues and others around you.

Take away hazards – Be proactive and remove any hazards you see to avoid unsafe situations.


Before we call our work sustainable, it has to meet high ethical standards.

DRPL doesn’t just promote fre and fair competition - our policies enforce it. We actively work against extortion, bribery, facilitation payments and all other forms of corruption, unlawful and unethical market conduct. We avoid conflicts of interest, ensuring that personal interests do not unduly influence our professional judgement.

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